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A single-story ranch-style home with white siding and a dark gray roof. On the roof, solar panels have been installed. The sky behind the home is bright blue.

Going Green at Home by 2030

The $370 billion Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022 marked the largest clean-energy investment in U.S. history. Through the IRA,...

Touring the HV by EV

Is this the year electric vehicles hit their tipping point? New York dug into a $750 million EV-infrastructure expansion. States...

Solarpunk Movement Seeds Climate Hope in the Valley

Set above highly urbanized and tech-forward New York City, the Hudson Valley offers nature reserves and varying topography that help...

The Real Deal on Plastic Recycling

In 2019, two days before Halloween, some of America’s leading beverage companies — including the makers of Coca Cola, Pepsi,...

Next-Level Strategies to Reduce Waste

You’ve already brought reusable mugs, purchased locally in bulk and maybe even started composting. Now New York sustainability and travel...

Recording Change One Photo at a Time

Environmental changes can move at a snail’s pace, making them costly to record and hard for the average person —...

How to Compost Smart in the Hudson Valley

During the pandemic, many of us have had more time to focus on feathering our nests — and making them...

Victory Gardens Return, Challenging Seed Access and Food Justice

Ken Greene said he saw it happen once before, but not like this. A decade ago, the Great Recession inspired...

Green Burial A Growing Option in the HV

Joel Kovel was laid to rest directly in the Hudson Valley ground, his body in a wicker casket pulled on...

Mapping the Hudson Valley’s Urban Ecosystem

Adam Dylan was a professional landscape designer by day, casual backyard gardener by night. Tending his family’s raised beds of...

How N.Y. Has Won From Saying Bye-Bye to Plastic Bags

Americans use more than 100 billion plastic bags a year — and until recently, nearly a fifth of them were...

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