They’re right in our midst, and simultaneously appreciated (for their masked-eye, ringed-tail cuteness) and unloved (especially for their tendency to...
Coexisting More Peacefully With Coyotes
As human activity over the centuries has drastically altered the American landscape, the makeup of wildlife in the country has...
Winging It With New York Bats
Despite their spooky rep, there’s much more to bats than Dracula and Halloween decorations. Around the world, bats serve as...
The Valley’s Various Frog Species Make Moves
Frogs may be the most familiar and observable amphibians in the Hudson Valley. Unlike their secretive cousins the salamanders, frogs...
The Opossum, a Surprising N.Y. Fan Fave
They may not look like the cuddliest creatures, but opossums are still beloved by many New Yorkers. In May, they...
Look Out For These New York Snakes
Cryptic, mysterious, and too often feared, snakes are among the most misunderstood animals that share our planet. New York is...
Making a Big Effort to Save a Little Turtle
Around late April, bog turtles began to emerge from their muddy hibernacula, or winter shelters, to greet another season in...
Forget Forecasting — Appreciate What Groundhogs Can Actually Rock
Will he or won’t he? That will be the question on everyone’s mind on Feb. 2, Groundhog Day, when Punxsutawney...
Why the Tiny Shrew Will Blow Your Mind
Shrews aren’t just terms out of Shakespeare. In fact, Shakespeare is brand-new compared to actual shrews, animals that have been...