Scenic Hudson Board Member
Steve was the headmaster at The Browning School for 28 years and retired in June 2017. He is a former trustee of the NYS Association of Independent Schools and was the organization’s president until 2013. He is the former president of the Headmasters Association, NYS Association of Independent Schools, and the Guild of Independent Schools. From 1977 to 1984, Steve was high school director and assistant headmaster at Dalton. Steve served as special assistant to the president of Union Theological Seminary, and from 1984 to 1987, was director of the Walden School. He formerly served as a trustee of the Brick Church School, the Brearley School, George Jackson Academy, the American Red Cross, and Macalester College. He currently serves on the board of The Millbrook School. He received a BA from Yale University, an MDiv from Union Theological Seminary, and an EdM and EdD from Harvard University. Steve and his wife, Sally, live in New York City and have a home in Millbrook. Steve is enthusiastic about environmental issues and is an experienced professional in the nonprofit world, including in development and philanthropy.