Eliminating Racism in the Climate Movement

For the second workshop in our series, titled “Eliminating Racism in the Climate Movement,” Extinction Rebellion New Paltz hosts facilitators from Sustaining All Life (SAL) SustainingAllLife.org and United to End Racism (UER) UnitedToEndRacism.org again to teach us the tools to achieve climate justice. #ClimateJustice
“We believe the environmental crisis cannot be resolved without ending racism, genocide toward Indigenous peoples, classism, sexism, and other oppressions. The impact of environmental destruction and climate change falls most heavily on people targeted by these particular oppressions. Making the changes needed will require a massive movement, spanning the glove, of people of every background fighting the effects of both climate change and racism.” -From SAL/UER Healing Our Climate Grief Brochure
Suggested $10 donation to help cover travel costs and venue. Please RSVP by clicking the Reserve a Spot button at the top of this page.
Jewish Congregation of New Paltz Community Center is located at 30 North Chestnut Street, New Paltz, NY.