The Sea Level Rise Mapper is a tool for communities and stakeholders to create visualizations of future scenarios of sea level rise. With these maps and information, Scenic Hudson is supporting communities’ efforts to develop adaptation plans by helping them to:
- create maps of the extent and impacts of inundation and flood zone expansion
- create graphics that illustrate different sea level rise scenarios in specific communities or stretches of the river
The data and mapping products displayed on this site are a combination of results from analyses by Scenic Hudson and existing data from a variety of sources including NYS DEC, NOAA, The Stevens Institute, and FEMA.
- All elevation information is from a high-resolution LiDAR topography product collected by the NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program in 2012.
- The elevation of sea level along the estuary was derived from tidal datum research conducted by the Stevens Institute.
- Current 1 percent flood zone information was derived from FEMA base flood elevations.
- Projections of future areas under the high tide line (inundation) and within 100-year flood zones were generated by Scenic Hudson.
The maps and data currently served here are released as Version 2.0 of the Scenic Hudson Sea Level Rise Mapper.
More complete descriptions of the methods used to develop our sea level rise model and analyses are in the inundation and floodplain metadata. These are available by downloading the complete data package, or here: