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Citizens Can Boost Community Advocacy Skills via Workshop

Jay Burgess
Director of Communications, Scenic Hudson, Inc.
Tel: (845) 473-4440 x222 Cell: (914) 489-0362 Fax: (845) 473-0740

HUDSON VALLEY, NY—Civic-minded residents are encouraged to elevate their advocacy knowledge and skills by participating in a workshop hosted by Scenic Hudson. Participants will become more effective at making a difference in their communities through the strategies and motivation they will receive at the free event.

Information from the upcoming presentation will help those looking to advance any community cause. Citizen advocacy has been the hallmark of Scenic Hudson for more than 50 years, dating to its founding campaign that launched the modern grass-roots environmental movement. Today the group continues to empower people to speak up for preserving land and farms and creating parks while fighting threats to the Hudson River and natural resources that are the foundation of the valley’s prosperity.

Wednesday, March 22, 6:30–7:30 p.m.
Scenic Hudson’s River Center at Long Dock Park, 8 Long Dock Road, Beacon

Advocacy 101—First Steps to Civic Engagement

Scenic Hudson Director of Public Policy Andy Bicking will outline how citizens can be most effective in getting their voices heard by key decision-makers. Mr. Bicking has 19 years of experience as an advocate.

Topics will include:

  • Tips for communicating with elected officials
  • Tactics for developing successful advocacy campaigns
  • The ABCs of how bills become law at the local, state and federal levels


For questions or to RSVP, contact Anthony Coneski, or 845 473 4440, ext. 273.

About Scenic Hudson

Scenic Hudson works to protect and restore the Hudson River and its majestic landscape as an irreplaceable national treasure and a vital resource for residents and visitors. A crusader for the valley since 1963, we are credited with saving fabled Storm King Mountain from a destructive industrial project and launching the modern grass-roots environmental movement. Today with more than 25,000 ardent supporters, we are the largest environmental group focused on the Hudson River Valley. Our team of experts combines land acquisition, support for agriculture, citizen-based advocacy and sophisticated planning tools to create environmentally healthy communities, champion smart economic growth, open up riverfronts to the public and preserve the valley’s inspiring beauty and natural resources. To date Scenic Hudson has created or enhanced more than 65 parks, preserves and historic sites up and down the Hudson River and conserved nearly 40,000 acres.