Black Creek Corridor (Lloyd, Ulster County)
In February 2009, Scenic Hudson protected 30 unspoiled acres along this renowned paddling/trout-fishing stream
View of the newly protected property in the Black Creek CorridorRobert Rodriguez, Jr. Our acquisition of a conservation easement on this property protects 1,800 feet of Black Creek shoreline, safeguarding scenic views along a stream popular for kayaking and fishing. It also guarantees permanent preservation of an extensive wetlands complex whose ecological significance is recognized by its inclusion in two state-designated Biologically Important Areas. Public access will be allowed on a portion of land along the creek, providing a place for paddlers to stop and rest. In addition to preserving important wildlife habitat, protected wetlands will mitigate ecological and property damage from sea-level rises and storm surges under predicted climate-change scenarios. The purchase is part of Scenic Hudson’s collaborative campaign to Save the Land That Matters Most, protecting 65,000 acres of great scenic, ecological and agricultural significance.
Project highlights
- Conserves a large, undisturbed wetlands complex
- Protects views from Black Creek and the Hudson Valley Rail Trail
- Provides an opportunity to develop a rest area for paddlers on the creek
- Will help mitigate damage from anticipated impacts of global climate change
To view the new Black Creek Corridor parcel in relation to other nearby protected lands, download this map (pdf, 320k)