Scenic Hudson’s Solar Mapping Tool will help your community tackle a complex issue, getting the most out of solar development with minimal impacts to what matters most to your community.
What is the Solar Mapping Tool?
Scenic Hudson’s Solar Mapping Tool is an interactive web tool and map that helps your community proactively plan for smart solar energy development by combining mapped information with education and guidance on how to use the Solar Mapping Tool to find the best places to locate solar.
Why do I need the Solar Mapping Tool?
Under New York State’s clean energy and climate initiatives, as well as market forces, solar development in the Hudson Valley is expected to increase drastically over the next several years. Smart solar planning promotes solar development in accordance with a set of siting principles <LINK TO SITING GUIDE> to ensure that what makes your community special is preserved while embracing the benefits of solar energy and moving towards a brighter future. The results of this planning process can then be embodied in zoning <LINK TO ZONING GUIDE> that enables your community to anticipate and guide solar energy development in order to make the most out of the solar energy revolution happening in the Hudson Valley.
What does the Solar Mapping Tool do?
The Solar Mapping Tool guides you through a four-part learning and planning process to support smart solar energy development in your community.
In Part I, you will learn about solar energy systems, the kinds of solar development happening in the Hudson Valley, and how solar differs from other types of development.
Part II explains the benefits of smart solar planning, and how the Solar Mapping Tool can be used to plan for solar in a way that protects your community’s best features while taking advantage of the solar revolution happening in the Hudson Valley.
Part III lets you explore different resources in your community one at a time through an interactive map, while learning how local resources relate to solar development to create opportunities.
Part IV gives you the power to apply what you have learned in Parts I, II, and III to your community. The fully interactive map in Part IV provides the ability to overlay different combinations of resources on a map of your community, so you can apply the principles of smart solar planning.